Thursday, October 10, 2013

Embracing the Differences: A How-To-Guide to Self Love from a Young Aspie

When we had Henry enrolled in weekly "social group" therapy sessions, one of his little friends became sad over being told she was "different" due to her Asperger's diagnosis.

At home we discussed this friend, as her parents were considering pulling her from therapy due to her sadness and disappointment.  As we explained this to Henry, I asked him what he would tell someone about his Asperger's.  "What if someone said they felt sorry for you because you have a differently wired brain?What if they made you feel your brain type was wrong?  What would you say to that person? If you could talk directly to your friend right now what would you say about Asperger's and your life?"

He thought about it for a minute, then said
"Practically I think Asperger's Syndrome is pretty awesome to have.  You can do a bunch of things 'normal' people can’t do. Everyone is different: Different, weird, not-the-same is AWESOME!” ~Henry (age 6)
Instantly I went to type up his quote.  We then discussed his future as an author and a motivator for others with neurological differences. To me it was pretty obvious Henry is a rock star when it comes to describing how to embrace who he is and how he works.

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